Holistic acupuncture for whole-body wellness
Thank you for visiting.
Dr. Wendy Sato Rhatigan's office hours are Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 9:00-5:00.
During this time of the COVID-19 virus, we will do our best to support you with appropriate herbs and supplements to help prevent and combat illness. However, because there is a recommendation to keep a 6' distance, we will not be able to do direct treatments if you are ill.
We are also happy to now offer online supplement ordering for a range of brands and products. Please click the button below to learn more or place an order.
Be safe, and we wish you blessings and good health.
Dr. Wendy Sato Rhatigan
(808) 841-3456
(This number is a landline and does not receive texts.)
Dr. Wendy Sato Rhatigan specializes in acupuncture, holistic health care, nutrition, and pain through traditional Chinese medicine techniques. She has over 20 years of experience treating insomnia, pain, colds and flu, depression, anxiety, anti-aging, and high-level wellness. Each of Dr. Sato Rhatigan's treatments are customized to best fit the needs of the patients, and can combine acupuncture, nutritional evaluations, and cold-laser sessions for full-body wellbeing.